"Kineska električna vozila pokazuju snagu na travnjaku njemačkih proizvođača automobila!" At the 2023 Munich Motor Show that ended not long ago, in the face of the outstanding performance of Chinese enterprises, foreign media issued such an exclamation. Na ovom auto sajmu, Dongfeng Forthing sudjelovao je sa svojim potpuno novim novim energetskim proizvodima. The brand-new hybrid flagship MPV, Forthing Friday, and the yacht and other models stole the limelight and became the focus of attention for many visitors.
Dongfeng za tehnološka dostignuća Dongfeng, u potpunosti su dokazane prednosti performansi.
As the first sincere work after Dongfeng Forthing's comprehensive transformation to new energy, Forthing Leiting embodies several years of technological accumulation of Dongfeng Forthing, including the EMA-E architecture platform specially created for new energy models, the armored battery with four-level safety protection, the Huawei TMS2.0 heat pump thermal management system that realizes efficient range management, and the Fx-Drive leading intelligent driving system for mainstream driving pomoć.
Među njima je kao prvi model izgrađen na novoj Energetskoj platformi Dongfeng za "EMA-E Architecture Platform", za Leiting je prošao sveobuhvatnu evoluciju u mnogim aspektima poput prostora, vožnje, snage, sigurnosti i inteligencije. S identitetom "čistog električnog SUV-a na 130 000 popularizatora", promovira implementaciju električne mobilnosti za sve, omogućavajući više korisnika da uživaju u zelenom, ekološki prihvatljivom i ugodnom iskustvu čistog električnog putovanja, te je osvojio povjerenje i podršku većine korisnika.
Power baterije prednost su za domaća nova energetska vozila koja vode svijet, a također i jedna od fokusa tehnološke konkurencije među raznim proizvođačima. Oklopna baterija opremljena za Leiting ima maksimalni kapacitet baterije do 85,9 kWh, gustoću energije> 175 WH/kg i maksimalni krstarenje do 630 km u uvjetima CLTC -a, što korisnicima olakšava put da putuju na velike udaljenosti u gradovima i za svakodnevno putovanje. In addition, with the support of the "four-dimensional ultra-high protection shield" technology, the armored battery provides comprehensive protection from the cell layer, module layer, whole pack layer, and vehicle chassis, and has characteristics such as high temperature resistance, extrusion resistance, and waterproofing. Forthing Leiting sets strict standards for itself and never compromises on safety and cruising range, which are the issues that users care about the most.
Istodobno, u smislu sustava toplinskog upravljanja, za Leiting prihvaća sustav toplinskog upravljanja toplinskom pumpom Huawei TMS2.0. Zimsko krstarenje vozila može se povećati za 16%, učinkovito poboljšavajući točke boli ozbiljnog gubitka energije, smanjenog krstarenja i prigušivanja kapaciteta baterije u uvjetima niske temperature.
Sveobuhvatna pokrivenost inteligentne tehnologije, Fengxing Leiting vodi budućnost.
Inteligentni vozački sustavi su "Trump kartice" mnogih domaćih robnih marki novih energetskih vozila. U tom pogledu, fengxing leiting nikako nije inferiorno. Forthing Friday is equipped with the Fx-Drive leading intelligent driving system, which has 12 L2+ level driving assistance functions, such as adaptive cruise control, lane keeping + lane departure warning, active braking, blind spot monitoring, lane change assistance, and other functions. Zajedno s funkcijama kao što su 360 ° panoramsko snimanje, ona pruža svestranu sigurnosnu zaštitu od vožnje do uklanjanja.
From making an appearance at the Munich Motor Show to being certified by the enterprise standard "leader" certificate, Fengxing Leiting is steadily taking solid steps on the road of brand new energy strategic transformation. Fengxing Leiting ima vrhunske tehnologije u mnogim aspektima kao što su napajačke baterije, sustavi toplinskih pumpi i inteligentna vožnja. With the support of Dongfeng Forthing's technological accumulation and innovation strength, facing the track of new energy transformation, Forthing Friday will surely walk out an innovative and popularized road for Chinese new energy vehicles with courage and perseverance, and it will also become a dazzling business card for "Made in China going global".
WEB: https://www.forhingmotor.com/
Email:admin@dflzm-forthing.com; dflqali@dflzm.com
Telefon: +8618177244813 ; +15277162004
Adresa: 286, Pingshan Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi, Kina
Post Vrijeme: Oct-11-2024