Dflzmprimio istragu od Azerbejdžana. Od tada, DFLZM i gospodin Jalil iz Azerbejdžana započeli su dugo poslovno vođenje 3 godine. On October 28, 2022, Dongfeng Forthing Image Store in Azerbaijan had a soft opening and sold 1T5 Evona dan otvaranja. Picture freeze overseas dealers deal with joy, behind the picture, but DFLZM overseas marketing team inspirational struggle story.
Zbog utjecaja epidemije, gospodin Jalil nije bio u stanju posjetiti terensku posjetu Kini, što je službu učinilo još važnijom. Customers have never stopped the negotiation with rival brands, and our overseas marketing team's timely response and positive service attitude have established customers' trust in Dongfeng Fashion brand. Konačno, u siječnju 2022., nakon gotovo 3 godine komunikacije, gospodin Jalil je naredio naredbu za 5 prototipa T5EVO+2 T5.
Telefon: 18577631613
Adresa: 286, Pingshan Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi, Kina
Post Vrijeme: 26.-2022.