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Debitantski emove360 °! München, evo nas opet

Dana 17. listopada, Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor and Alibaba International Station sudjelovao je u njemačkom izložbi Energy Electric Energy Electric i punjenju izložbe za skladištenje energije (EMOVE 360 Europe), koristeći internetski i izvanmrežni model „Digital Hybrid Exhibicije“ kako bi u petak donijeli simbol na europsko tržište Kine Nova energetska tehnologija. Ovo je obnovljeni fokus Dongfeng Liuzhou Automobile na europskom tržištu automobila nakon izložbe IAA Mobility Auto Show u Münchenu u rujnu ove godine. By deepening its digital foreign trade strategy, it will help the new dual-cycle development pattern of the automotive industry.


With the proposal of the “Photosynthetic Future” strategy, Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor is committed to sustainable development and has become the first Chinese automobile company to propose “carbon neutrality across the entire value chain”. At this eMove 360° exhibition, the pure electric SUV FORTHING Friday brought by Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor attracted many professional buyers with its cross-dimensional mecha-style appearance and simple luxury-style interior combined with armored batteries with high safety thinking protection. pogled.


Munich's reappearance is another successful practice of Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor's “Digital Hybrid Exhibition” exhibition model. To je također dubinsko istraživanje Motorne grupe Dongfeng Liuzhou i međunarodne stanice Alibaba kako bi se zajednički stvorile digitalnu vanjsku trgovinu u inozemstvu.
Za petak


Vrijeme posta: OCT-30-2023